We envision a world were every woman can pursue her dreams and provide for her children.
Ultra poverty in Haiti is an issue that affects millions of women and their children. Characterized by severe deprivation of basic human needs and earning less and $1.25/day, the ultra poor are those at the bottom of the socioeconomic ladder. Ultra poverty creates layers of injustice and deprivation, including:
disease and health conditions resulting in a shorter life span
inadequate housing
lack of access to safe drinking water
high risk of exploitation and human trafficking
You have the power to help raise women out of ultra poverty in Haiti.
On average, these people eat 1 meal per day, can’t afford essential services like education and healthcare, and have an income that is both low and intermittent. Some organizations define the ultra poor as those spending 80% of their income on food, yet consuming less than 80% of the minimum recommended caloric intake.
A pathway to a better life is possible for women in Haiti.
HTF is committed to serving Haiti’s ultra poor through Fonkoze’s Chemen Lavi Miyò (CLM) program. HTF is working to demonstrate that extreme poverty in Haiti can be eliminated.
Based on the Graduation Model created by BRAC in Bangladesh, the program is one of ten pilots conducted in partnership with CGAP and the Ford Foundation to combat ultra poverty. Fonkoze uses an intensive process to identify Haiti’s poorest women. CLM case managers begin by involving the local community in a process known as Participatory Wealth Ranking (PWR). During the process, community members map out every local household and rank the households according to five wealth categories. Using the PWR results, case managers interview prospective members using two key tools, the Progress out of Poverty Index and the Fonkoze Poverty Scorecard.
Using these effective targeting methods, Fonkoze has successfully served over 2,500 of Haiti’s poorest women and their families, enabling them to ascend from ultra poverty into self-sufficiency.
Using these effective targeting methods, Fonkoze has successfully served over 2,500 of Haiti’s poorest women and their families, enabling them to ascend from ultra poverty into self-sufficiency.